Brendael English Springer Spaniels

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On the litter page you can follow Rosanne's puppies as they grow up. Rosanne had three puppies born on July 6, 2013. There are 2 boys and 1 girl. Click here for the litter page.

A link to see Hannah's litter born on March 15, 2007 can be found on her page.

Before contacting us about a potential puppy, please read the following information. The web site contains information about puppies on other pages.

Two week old English Springer Spaniel puppies

Nothing is cuter than an English Springer Spaniel puppy. However, this breed is not for everyone. Before you decide to purchase a puppy please research the breed carefully. It is essential that you purchase your puppy from a responsible breeder. You will find information on English Springer Spaniels, behavior, hereditary diseases, and other topics on the ESS Info and Information pages on this web site. You will also find information about

responsible breeders on the Responsible Breeding page. The Purchasing a Puppy page has information on how to purchase a puppy responsibly. The English Springer Field Trial Association web site is also a good source of information.

We occasionally have puppies available to approved homes. We breed only when we want a dog to continue our breeding program with or to compete in performance events. Even though we might not always have puppies available, we are always willing to answer questions about puppies and Springers specifically. We are in contact with other breeders in our area frequently. If you need assistance finding a responsible breeder, we would be glad to forward your contact information to those with upcoming litters.

Our goal is to produce the healthiest puppies possible. Before breeding, all breeding dogs are clear, at that time, from the more common hereditary disorders: thyroid function in the normal range, seizure free, passing OFA hip and elbow x-rays, and clear CERF exams.

Puppies are raised inside in a household environment. They are handled frequently every day to assure that they are well socialized. When they are old enough, puppies are socialized with people, children, other dogs, and in strange environments. Basic puppy 5 week old English Springer Spaniel puppies

manners training is started. At seven weeks the puppies are given a personality profile to help determine basic personality. At eight weeks the puppies are evaluated for structure and conformation. Around eight weeks they see a veterinarian ophthalmologist to screen for eye disorders. Puppies are examined by a veterinarian for general health, started on a vaccination program, and micro-chipped for identification.

Since we attempt to match each puppy with the right family, we have developed a Puppy Questionnaire to help us get to know the potential owner(s) of one of our puppies. Our goal is that each puppy gets just the right family and that each family gets the right puppy. There is no first pick, second pick, etc. We work to match each family with the puppy who fits in best with their personality and interests.

The return of the questionnaire does not obligate us to sell you a puppy. Any information you provide by answering the questions will help us to help you select the best potential puppy for your lifestyle should you purchase a puppy from us. Please DO NOT fill out the questionnaire unless we have puppies available. The form is accessible for your information and to help you prepare to purchase a puppy. If you are interested in a puppy from us, please check the web site under latest news or email to find out our plans for future litters.

The sex and color of a puppy are of secondary importance to individual personality. When placing puppies into their new homes, we take into consideration the length of time you have requested a puppy and your request for a male or female. Although it may be possible for you to have a choice between several puppies, we have had very good success matching puppies with their new owners based on your information, observation, and personality testing. Our primary goal in placing puppies is that each puppy gets the right family and the new owners get the puppy just right for them.

English Springer Spaniel puppies

Puppies go to their new homes around 10 weeks of age. All companion puppies are required to be spayed or neutered between twelve and eighteen months of age and will be registered using AKC's limited registration form. Your puppy will go to its new home with health information, feeding requirements, and a written agreement.

The information available on this page is only a portion of the topics that will need to be discussed prior to purchasing a puppy from us. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our breeding program or our puppies.

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Copyright 2006-2013 Susan Armstrong - All rights reserved

Updated July 2013